Sunday, June 27, 2010

Live Blogging is....Live!

6:30 PM Wow. BIG things just happened.

A CBS news van was parked outside of the hotel we are filming at today, and a cameraman came onto the set and shot some footage with a big video camera...apparently CBS might run a piece on Love, Concord and what it means for the's pretty exciting to see this kind of buzz forming about the movie!

Also, just posted an article about our production this morning...and it already has fifty or so comments in just a few hours. I guess the "first movie ever set in Concord" aspect of the film is making people pay attention!

I'll update more about this soon if there are any other developments.

5:11 PM I just finished some really nice chicken/mashed potatoes/vegetables, courtesy of Sandra...we're running a bit behind (due to the complicated nature of these types of scenes) but things are still going well. Jimmy's been hounding me about live blogging and how I haven't posted in 3 hours or something but I've mostly tuned him out. Hopefully he'll calm down a bit. (haha jk lol).

The scenes are going well, but they've been time-consuming. Complex scenes like these involve many different angles and close-ups and such, so it's been pretty interesting to watch each specific angle/close-up set up in the room. The extras have done a great job so far too, as the fake quiet dancing has been pretty convincing.

Zach just walked by me screeching like a pterodactyl....from anyone else in life that would probably be a bit frightening and off-putting, but since it's "Xachary" it hardly surprises/bothers me at all.

Alex just asked Kosei "do I look consistent??", which made me chuckle a little bit. Oh, film set humor.

I'll be back in a bit....

2:18 PM
Whoa....this hotel has free wi-fi (complete with a little ticking clock intimidatingly counting down until 22 hours from now when my free window expires) this is a blog posted from the movie set.

We've been here since 9's now 2 pm, and the Prom scenes are going well...the extras are doing a great job silently dancing to muted music while dialogue scenes are filmed. I was a bit bummed when I got here today that I couldn't be an extra (since my suit is down in LA) but I can't dance for real, let alone fake dance to silent music. That takes some serious skills.

Today's going smoothly so far, the scenes are looking great...we're filming some important scenes in the I should go and continue my behind-the-scenes stuff. I'll check back in a bit later.


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