Monday, June 21, 2010

13-hour shooting days are grueling....

...but totally worth it.

Today, the first day of the 2nd week of Production on Love, Concord, began at 11 am (ish). I just got back to my house ten minutes ago. You do the math. Granted, today's location was LESS THAN TWO MINUTES from my house, but we were still on-set all day. Being at one location (out in the public, mind you) for an entire day means constantly dealing with passers by who see the cameras, boom mic, and other on-set techno gadgets and become forced to scream "what's this movie for???!!" or "Can I be in the movie?" or, if they're feeling particularly offended by our presence, to lay on the horn while driving by or intentionally disrupting our activities in some other way. That's just part of what goes along with filming in public.

Besides those annoyances (which are still tolerable since it at least means people are interested in what we are doing with our cameras and noise and big powerful light rigs), today was great. A lot of crucial scenes were filmed and there weren't really any hiccups or huge delays. Everyone arrived on set on time and we overcame the obstacles that were thrown at us with ease.

I think that goes to show the cohesion of this production team. The actors have been remarkable so far, what with their patience and dedication to their work. The crew has been on top of the proverbial ball since day one, and as we delve deeper into the second week, I look forward to seeing how things progress even further. As it is now, I'd say the cast and crew have a very tight connection (the actors, in particular, having a great chemistry together that translates extremely well on-screen).

I took a ton of pictures today, but as usual, I'm too tired to post them all up and we have an early call time tomorrow at a location NOT two minutes from my house =/.

So, I bid you adieu. Stay tuned tomorrow for another update at the end of the day! :)


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