Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Schedule Prepping

Hello readers!

Not much of a hockey fan anymore (back in the 90's NHL Hockey on Super Nintendo made me an arm chair fan) but I defiantly still like the Sharks. And I really hope they finally make it to the Stanley Cup Finals!


Comedy Night Fundraiser

Once again for those of you who haven't heard the next fundraising event will be a stand up comedy night on Friday May 7th. It will be at 125 9th Street Independent Film Center in San Francisco and doors will open at 8pm. Tickets are $10 in advance and $12 at the door. And now let me give mucho props to my producer Kristin Youell for
the awesome digital flyer she created with a friend (thanks friend of Kristin who's name I forgot!). See you there!

Speaking of Props

To all my fellow Concord High alumni out there, do any of you have any CHS memorabilia like shirts, sweatshirts, posters, mugs, flags, etc. that you wouldn't mind loaning to me for the sake of my feature film? If so please contact me as I need to start gathering props together for the various classroom scenes I have in my movie. I will of course take great care of your stuff and inventory each item as to make sure it goes back to its proper owner. Plus I'll put your name in the credits too.

In Process of Scheduling Shoot

I'm at the point where I've locked the script and will now focus on planning my shots for each scene. In doing this it will allow me to better estimate and schedule how long we'll need to shoot scenes and more importantly how long we'll need to be a location. I'll begin with what's called "lining the script." What this means is I go through the script and for each scene I draw a line from the top of the page to a certain point, then name and describe that line as a shot I intend to shoot on the set. The goal is to "line" a scene so that no part of it is left "unlined." This then shows you what your "coverage" of a scene will be and allows you, again, to plan the logistics of the shoot.

After I line the entire script I plan to go back and attempt to draw storyboards for as many of the scenes as I can. Hitchcock use to storyboard almost every scene in his films and he bragged that doing so allowed him to direct the movie before he even arrived to the set. I have also story boarded almost all my short films and also find its a truly beneficial to running an efficient set.

Latest Cast Member

Last and certainly not least I'd like to introduce our latest cast member Lauren West. Lauren will be playing the part of a "DVC Tour Guide." The back story about Lauren is that I met her at my bank. She works as a teller there, and as I was depositing my checks from the first film fundraiser she asked me what my fundraiser was for and I explained. She then explained how she'd always wanted to try acting so I gave her my email address and we kept in touch. Lauren came to my film festival fundraiser and once I began holding casting sessions she enthusiastically tried out. While she may have less experience to some of the actors I've worked with before, Lauren truly impressed me with her enthusiasm for my project and most importantly with her reliability. So I'm happy to welcome her aboard and look forward to shooting her small yet important scene. Welcome aboard Lauren!

Well that's all for this week folks. Got 101 things to do for the film so I better get at it. Have a great week! Until next time....



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