Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Cast Almost Complete

Hello readers!

Lots to update, but real quick "LET'S GO THUNDER! BEAT LA!"


Many Roles Cast This Weekend

I'm very excited to announce that four people were cast over the weekend for major supporting roles in Love, Concord. Let me tell you about them starting in alphabetical order.

And the Role of Tony Goes to....

Zachary Garcia! Zachary was introduced to me by my producer Virginia McCarthy. Zachary's parents have been friends with Virginia for years and when I was struggling to find a Tony, she mentioned to me she felt her friend's son Zachary would be great. So while I was in LA a few weeks ago for a conference I auditioned Zach with my lead Jorge Diaz. At the audition I could see they had great chemistry right off the bat. So after talking it over with my other producers and reviewing the footage of the audition I realized he would be perfect.
So Zach will be our third southern Californian to join the cast. He's currently a freshmen student at the University of Redlands and is actively pursuing a potential double major in mathematics and creative writing. Zachary has also wants to learn more about filmmaking and had told me he wanted to volunteer as a production assistant should he not get the part, which I'm sure we'll still be able to accommodate that request. Welcome aboard Zachary!

And the Role of Gerry's Mom Goes to....

Nancy Ofelia Lemmel! I met Nancy through www.sfcasting.com and I can't plug or thank them enough. From the get go Nancy seemed like a very friendly and intelligent person when I spoke to her over the phone to set up our first audition. But when she came to audition she truly blew me and my Jimmy, my c0-producer, away! I was pretty sure I had just met the woman who would play Gerry's Mom, but me being the rationalist that I am set out to see more women just in case. Well in doing so all it did was further cement the fact that Nancy is amazing.
Therefore, this weekend I set up a call back audition with her and Jorge and again her performance simply moved everyone in the room. Jorge was practically brought to tears. After the audition all the actors and producers agreed she was too perfect to not offer the role. So it gives me great pleasure to announce she has accepted the role and has joined the cast. Welcome aboard Nancy!

And the Role of Peter Goes to....

Blake Rosier! Once again I have to give props to the SFCasting gods as they were the ones who put Blake before me. Blake was one of the quickest casting decisions we made. We really struggled finding red headed actors and I was determined to give this role to a red head. But sure enough on a last ditch effort I tried calling Blake one last time, as the first time I either left a message on the wrong person's voicemail or he never got my message.
Sure enough Blake answered and met with me, Kristin, and Jimmy on Saturday. After the first take of the audition we were already laughing in our seats. Blake just grasped the character so well and had both the mental and physical performance down we had to have him meet Jorge for a quick call back. The very next day Blake came back ran the scene with Jorge and once again had everyone, including a very giggly Angelina, laughing in there seats. So I am both very relieved and excited to have Blake, a local Martinez thespian, on the cast. Welcome aboard Blake!

And the Role of Caitlin Goes to....

Logan Svenson. Our third and, certainly not least, SF Casting lucky drawing is Logan. While I must say we saw a lot of amazingly talented "Caitlins" Logan really felt like the right choice. We knew it would be a hard choice after seeing Logan's first audition, but on her call back with both Angelina and Jorge we were quite certain she was our Caitlin.
Logan's background is full of both acting and modeling experiences. In fact she shot a short film the day before she came in for h
er call back and still was full of energy. We are really excited to have her on our amazing cast and know that she's certainly going to be a star! Welcome aboard Logan!

New Indiegogo Perk!
Many of you may have already seen the indiegogo profile Love, Concord currently has. But whether you have or haven't here's another reason to check it out and donate! The first 25 people to donate $25 will recieve a free 30 minute massage from professional massager Joe Cruz. The only limit is that you have to be in the Bay Area to receive the perk, so all you LA folk who follow the blog as long as you can travel at your own cost to the Bay Area yo
u're still free to donate and receive this perk. Joe is a certified and fully ensured massager and offers various types of massages through his business JCruz Massage Co. He can be reached at jcruz272@yahoo.com for those of you looking an experienced massager. Once again, here's the link to the indiegogo profile:


Well that's all for now folks. I've got a lot of paperwork to prepare for the first day of shooting which feels like it's just around the corner. So until next time....



1 comment:

  1. I am excited!!! Can't wait to see all these talented people together on screen! Good job and keep up the good work!!! -Sandra
