Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Networking Weekend

Hello readers!

Woo hoo! Two weeks without soda and consistently hitting the gym has been beneficial! So please keep the encouragement coming. Lets jump in.


National Association of Independent Latino Producers

NALIP holds an annual conference to bring together Latino filmmakers from around the country to learn more about the industry of movies and television. This year it was held at the beautiful Loews Hotel in Santa Monica, and yours truly flew out to attend the event. First off allow me to thank my friend and fellow filmmaker/actor Miguel Angel for being the first person to inform me about NALIP and encouraging me to attend. And I'm glad I did!

At the conference I sat in on various presentations and lectures from a session on the do's and don'ts of starting a production company to hearing HBO executives talk about what they're "looking for" in original productions. As an official attendee I also was allowed to sit in on a small round table discussion with working Latino professionals in the industry.

But perhaps the best aspect of the NALIP weekend was the ability to network with literally hundreds of fellow Latino filmmakers from all over the country. I even reconnected with people I had worked with in my LMU film school days such as the actress from my thesis film, Kathreen Castaneda, fellow LMU alumni Stuart Altman who is currently pitching his feature film script to various studios, and of course getting to work and plan our project with Miguel.

Overall it was a great weekend and I highly encourage any Latino interested and serious about breaking into the industry to attend next years. I unquestionably will!

Another Producer Joins the Ranks!

On another very exciting note, another producer has come onboard the feature whom I'm really excited to be working with. Her name is Susie Talebi and our connection goes back to the first day of film school in the Fall of 2001. Susie was accepted and enrolled in my same Film Production program and we became friends and colleagues very quickly as we both inevitably worked on many student films and projects together.

During our third year at LMU Susie found a job at Sony Pictures and took a leave of absence from school to follow the great job opportunity she'd landed. She did that for a couple years and eventually returned to LMU to finish her masters and thesis film. She currently works for a production company in LA and we reconnected through the miracle that is Face Book. Susie, has already been giving me great advice on how to plan the production aspect of the film and her connections through her work with film distributors and studios will undoubtedly be beneficial. Welcome aboard Susie!

New Indiegogo Video

I had the opportunity to meet with Jorge Diaz on Monday to do an audition, that went very well by the way, and to also work on aspects of Jorge's character Gerry. But we also had a chance to shoot another promotional video for our Indiegogo profile page and I'd like to share it with my faithful blog readers! Again we're doing pretty good with raising funds on Indiegogo but we could use a lot more small donations. So once again please share the link to friends and family.

Don't Forget the Love, Concord Comedy Fundraiser!

If you haven't marked your calendars yet grab a pen and note down May 7th at 8pm. Again this will be a comedy showcase of six comedians and one hilarious MC! Tickets are only $10 if you buy in advance and will be $12 at the door. We'll be having an informal after party at 111 Mina Bar and Art Gallery. If you haven't gotten an Evite yet here's the Face Book invitation link:

Or email us at to get a personal Evite. See you there!

Well that's all for now. Until next week!



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