Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Crew Keeps Growing!

Hello readers!

Is anyone else still dragging around because of Day-lights-saving? Cause it feels like I've needed a nap every afternoon this week!


Our First Production Assistant:

I'd like to welcome our first of many production assistant, Alana Ubeda.
Alana will be graduating from St. Mary's College this spring with a BA in Communication. And surprise, surprise she's a former student of mine! Alana not only took several of my video classes she was also an active member of Gael Vision the student tv station of which I was the faculty advisor. But it was Alana's amazing talent at video editing which really impressed me and sometimes frustrated me ;) Alana was so naturally talented at editing that at times she didn't take my constructive criticism so well. Plus she liked to give me crap or test my patience with how often she checked her text messages in class, but all in all Alana was one of my most dedicated students and I'm glad she'll be working on my feature film.
Speaking of, while Alana will be doing the typical production assistant tasks, we've given her the specific task of touching up our actors make-up. While we hope to get volunteer dedicated make-up artists (especially for the prom scene) for the smaller scenes having a full time make-up artist may or may not be necessary. Therefore, with Alana on the set we'll always have someone ready to take responsibility for the consistency of the make-up for our actors. Welcome aboard Alana!

Second Producer Hits the Ground Running:

Our new producer, Kristin Youell, is already proving how invaluable she is. For instance, she was instrumental in writing a proposal we plan to use to approach businesses for contributions to the feature film. She has also begun planning the next fundraiser, which will once again be held in the Bay Area. And last but not least she's currently helping me lock down locations for the production. She's definitely hit the ground running and I'm so relieved to have her help.


We're very close to being done casting our major roles for the feature. And we've made good progress with the supporting roles too. However, we're still not quite done. Hopefully once I return from my trip to LA we'll be able to get our last rounds of casting done.

LA Party/Fundraiser:

So as many of you should know by now we're having our 4th fundraiser in LA this weekend March 20th. There will be food and As before we're holding a raffle which everyone automatically is entered in with their $10 entrance fee. But we'll be selling additional raffle tickets for $5 each to better your odds of winning. The prizes so far will be:

1. Your choice of any two of my used DVDs for sale
2. A bottle of Copola Wine
3. Two movie passes to any Regal theater.
4. A $25 gift card to Jamba Juice.

If you need info on how to get to the party please email me at Hope to see you there.

Lastly, I just want to thank all our new "Fan Page Followers." For those who don't know we now have a "Love, Concord Fan Page" on Face Book. Please help spread the word and join! The larger the fan base we create the better chances we'll have at selling the film and getting accepted to film festivals. Here's the link:!/pages/Love-Concord-Movie-Fan-Page/347397132388?v=wall&ref=sgm

Well that's all for this week folks.

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