Thursday, March 11, 2010

And Two More Join the Party

Hello readers!

Sorry for the delay in this weeks posting, but I've been real busy with meetings and auditions this week that I've had no time to write. Alas, I'm free so here we go!


Newest Cast Member Added:

I'd like to introduce Mary Lekich who will be playing the role of Ms. Sing
the speech teacher in our feature. Mary is one of the many people who responded to my Craigslist ad and boy am I glad she did. Her resume includes such accomplishments as voice over work, acting in video and theater, and modeling. Mary came and auditioned for me and did a great job of picking up the character on a "cold read" (meaning she had no advance preparation for the audition). She really sold me on her commit
ment to her character when she, in her spare time, emailed me photos of herself looking less glamourous and more raggedy as her character description states. While her part is a small one of only two scenes I highly look forward to working with Mary and can check off yet another character on my "to be casted" list. Welcome aboard Mary!

New Crew Member Added:

I'm extremely pleased to announce our newest crew member Kristin Youell who has come on board to be a "Co-Producer." Kristin and I know each other through two of my favorite people Anthony Giovannetti and his sister Christina Giovannetti. As Kristin and I kept running into each other at Giovannetti social events we discovered we had a common interest in film. While everyone knows I want to be behind the camera, Kristin on the other hand wants to be in front of it. As she put to me recently, she knew she wanted to be an actress ever since she was around 4 years old and performed ballet on a 2 x 4 in the living room floor of her house.
Recently when Kristin noticed I wrote about needing a locations manager the light bulb went off in her mind and realized this could be a great opportunity to learn more about acting in the round about way of helping to make a film. So she contacted me with her willingness to offer her services as a producer, we met, discussed the position and the project, and I'm happy to say that she's officially on board. Her background in banking and her charismatic personality I'm sure will be invaluable as she sets out to lock down the locations for the shoots as well as other tasks. Not to mention I look forward to spending time truly getting to know her as we only seem to ever see each other in loud social gatherings. Welcome aboard Kristin!

Check out her website at:

Coffee Anyone?

This week I'd also like to mention the first official donation which has been made to the feature. Everyone who's ever worked on a feature film (and some shorts too) will tell you not having coffee available on the set in the morning can result in mutiny. But as my film has a limited budget it was a cost I was not looking forward to spend (not much of a regular coffee in the morning drinker). However, Kim Wilborn and Jennifer Freeman the respective mother and sister of my awesome former student Jimmy Freeman; have graciously offered to stock pile the free 1lb of coffee they earn each week working at Starbucks in order to give it to us once we begin shooting. So my crew will have name brand coffee and I can now use the savings of that cost to pay for other much needed necessities. Therefor, in advance appreciation of the cast and crew, thank you Kim and Jennifer for your awesome selflessness and amazing contribution to the production. Generosity and kindness seem to be genetic trait this family.

The Power of Face Book!

Lastly, I'd like to share that Love, Concord has an official fan page on Face Book. Here it is:

On goal of the page is to build up an audience for the finished film, but also like the blog it's there to keep you all informed with what is currently going on with the production, how one can help, and other interesting news.

So please share the fan page with any and everyone you know and please help us build it's numbers as this will dramatically help with the productions ability to lock down distribution. Thanks!

Well that's all for now folks. All you LA folks don't forget the party/fundraiser next Saturday March 20th. If you haven't got an Evite and for more info on that feel free to email me at



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