Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Update Central

Hello Readers!

Saw The Onion Movie this weekend and laughed my ass off! It's on DVD so go rent it. Got a lot of updates so lets dive in.


The latest addition to the blog is the helpful little countdown clock in the upper left corner. This clock is relentlessly counting down the days, hours, minutes and seconds until the first day of production. A lot of people ask me "when are you going to start?" Well now you can always have an accurate up to date answer! Plus it's a good motivator for me to not procrastinate on the many big steps I have to take to finally be prepared for day one! Which is 219 days away! Yikes!

The 5th draft is done! Yes it took a month longer than I wanted it to take but it's finally in the can. I realized part way through writing this one how important a scene outline is to the writing process. I hadn't done a scene outline since the 2nd draft, but since this draft had the most significant changes to it since that draft, I realized I couldn't wing it anymore. So I stopped writing and hammered out a scene outline. With that done I breezed through the 5th draft quicker than the pace I was going at without it. Also I should mention, the notes and suggestions my Producer Virginia and Director of Photography (DP) Jon helped tremendously to get this draft to the most efficient and sharpest it's been. Thanks guys!

"Marta's Last Exit" will be getting looked at by a post production audio professional. I'm meeting with him tomorrow to hopefully fix the dialogue issues I'm having and what's kept it from being %100 done. But rest assured it will be ready in time for the event on the 14th. I'm also submitting it to its first festival this week as well. If I get into it, it can automatically be considered for the Academy Awards Short Film category. Wish me a broken leg!

Speaking of the event, I still haven't confirmed the location. But I'm close! So keep posted to the blog and or my FaceBook page as I'll announce it once it's finalized.

Lastly, not many people voted on the various title ideas last week. I could REALLY use your help with this guys. Here's your chance to be part of the creative decision making process of a feature film. So please vote on which titles you like so I can make a top five list for a final vote next week. Again I plan to announce the official title of the production at the fundraiser/premiere on the 14th.

That's it for this week guys. I know I haven't written an article the past couple weeks, but I really had to focus on finishing "Marta's..." and the 5th draft so I promise next week there'll be updates and an article. In fact, my DP Jon Bowerbank, will be writing it!

Until then, go Phillies and have a great week everyone!



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