Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Some Words from the DP

Hello readers!

Hope everyone had a great week, let's jump right in.


Sound Issues Fixed
I had John Bennett, a production/post-production audio professional work on some of the sound issues for "Marta's Last Exit." In the short amount of time he worked on it he was able to really help shape the sound to a place I'm more comfortable with. I feel it still needs a little tweaking, but I may just be biased. I'll let the audience on Saturday's premiere tell me if I'm being too picky.

This Saturday's Event
Speaking of Saturday! The fundraiser/premiere is still set for this Saturday at 4:30pm. If you'd like to lock in the $10 cover charge please RSVP me via the Evite invitations I sent out, or my email at For your connivence you can pay the $10 per ticket cover on the Evite with PayPal. Otherwise it's $15 at the door. Also, don't forget we'll have a silent auction at the event. Up for bidding are a beautiful china set from William Sonoma, a cooking utensil bundle also from William Sonoma, a brand new Canon copier, fax, scanner, printer. And some other possible last minute items. We'll be screening "Marta's Last Exit" a few times throughout the event so come early or come late you'll be able to see it. Hope to see you there!

Going back to LA-LA land.
My producer, Virginia, is currently working on a independent film in LA and has invited me to come visit her on the set. She's going to try to get me some time to speak with the Director of Photography about the "B" camera they're shooting with (a "B" camera simply means a 2nd camera a production uses which usually doesn't have all the bells and whistles the "A" camera would have. It is also some times smaller to better fit into tight spaces), which happens to be the Canon 7D I wrote about in previous blog articles. Hopefully I'll get a chance to meet the director to get some tips for my feature, but in the very least I'll up close to the action and can watch him at work.

The Short List:
Ok folks here's the short list for the final vote for the official title of the production. I want to thank all that voted. I promise this will be the last time so please vote on these selections. Pick one only please. The official title will be announced at the event on Saturday!

1. Un-Concord Love

2. Select Start!

3. First Love Concord

4. 16-Bit Love Story

5. Love, Concord

Well that's all for updates. As promised this weeks article is written by Jonathan Bowerbank, my DP. So I'll leave you with that and the promise of pictures and a recap of the party for next weeks blog entry. Until then take care!



Greetings film fans and friends! Jonathan Bowerbank, the film’s DP and co-conspirator here! Gus is hard at work planning the party, so I figured I’d give him a handbrake and type up this weeks blog entry to give you a bit of insight into who I am, what I do, and perhaps what inspires me.

First of all, some background information. Gus and I have known each other since we went to El Dorado Middle School in Concord. Also known as our “traumatic adolescent years”. We had P.E. together, exchanged a few elbows here and there on the basketball court, yet at the time we still really didn’t really know each other all too well. It wasn’t until the summer before our junior year at Concord High we started to really hang out and discover how much we had in common, more importantly, our love for movies. We didn’t always see eye to eye with regards to our opinions on which films were great and which were junk (and we still don’t!), but the difference in taste and an aesthetic appreciation for the art opened up a dialogue for creativity and a drive to someday start making films ourselves.

We were fortuitous enough to be attending the only high school in the district that had an A/V department fully equipped with professional video cameras and editing bays. It was here we found the outlet we sorely needed for bringing our ideas to fruition. We soon began producing short sketch pieces and our moderately popular cop series “SQUAD”. Needless to say, we were both hooked for life.

Not long after graduating high school, we parted ways in search for our own life experiences. Gus pursued his degree in filmmaking, and I took off on my travels to Central America where I lived in Guatemala for two years. It was one of the most inspiring lands I have ever visited, and it has certainly contributed to my own personal perspective on life, peoples’ living situations and world culture today. It also helped me arrive at an acute desire to tell meaningful and truthful stories through the craft of filmmaking, and has given me a keen eye for how I would like to depict this world we live in through honest and/or poetic storytelling.

This is all in addition to my own mental catalog of inspiring films which have helped me to focus on the type of filmmaker I want to be. I soon discovered I wanted to focus on cinematography, which involves nearly every creative and technical aspect of film production. Camera, lighting, set design, etc. For the past few years I have done a lot of Camera Assistant work, which consists mostly of technical duties to make sure a film’s cinematographer can focus on the creative rather than having to worry about the technical issues that can and do arise during any given shoot. I’ve learned from my experience the importance of a solid crew and the advantages that come from working with a group of creative individuals on what is essentially a collaborative art. It truly does take an army.

As with any army, there has to be a General, and Gus has certainly earned his stripes. I’m honored to be one of many he is entrusting to bring his vision to the big screen. I hope this has given you at least a bit more insight into the type of production this is turning out to be. I honestly appreciate any support we gain from you to help us to be able to do what we love, whether it be moral or financial support.

In addition to everything Gus has told you about the film’s influences, I just wanted to include a short list of some of some of the films that have influenced me for this film:

  1. “QuinceaƱera” (2006)
  2. “500 Days of Summer” (2009)
  3. “Saved!” (2004)
  4. “Say Anything” (1989)
  5. “Swingers” (1996)
  6. “Pretty in Pink” (1986)
  7. “Dazed & Confused” (1993)
  8. “Almost Famous” (2000)

Until next time, take care, read a book, get to the movie theater and don’t stop doing whatever it is you enjoy doing.


  1. Awesome! I love me some "SQUAD!" Bring that shit back to the people...I'm feeling a reunion episode?

  2. Jon...thanks for your honest words and I wish you both "broken legs"in making this dream come true!!! -Sandra

  3. Call the new film "squad, back from the dead"

  4. "Select Start" or "Love, Concord", I'm split now. Actually no I'm not, I'm leaning towards the latter. Slightly.

    Also! You two running in the SQUAD intro is the funniest thing I've seen all day. Jus' sayin'.
