Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Title Playoffs

Hello readers!

Damn Yankees, let's hope Philly can stop the annoyance that is Steinbrenner's team.


Marta's last exit is 95% complete. The only thing left is to tweak the dialogue a little to make it sound more consistent. Does anyone know a good postproduction sound editor? Perhaps a student studying sound? If so let me know.

The fifth draft is more than half way done. There's some major changes in this version. Most of it has to do with scaling back the amount of locations. The more locations the more the production crew has to travel. The commute time alone is a problem, but loading and unloading movie equipment, costumes, props, etc. is just as costly to a production's time. I expect to have a finished 5th draft by the middle of the week.

Party location change. So do to an unforeseen scheduling conflict the November 14th fundraiser/premiere will no longer be in Brentwood. I still plan to hold the fundraiser that day, but I'm currently looking for a new location. I have a lead on one but nothing confirmed. So stay tuned as I'll be updating the info as soon as I can. Sorry for the inconvenience everyone!

Casting. I'll be holding casting for the main cast and speaking roles beginning in January. So if you know actors interested or yourself would like to audition for parts please contact me. I'll be posting a more accurate list of characters next week as the 5th draft will be done by then.

Second to Last Round of Title Suggestions

Consider this the playoffs to the World Series. This is the last batch of totally new title ideas I'd like to get your opinion and vote on. I'm then going to list the top 5 title ideas on the Tuesday before the fundraiser for you to vote on so the official title can be announced at the Nov. 14th event.

So take a look at these, again, you don't need to know much about the story I'm more interested in your gut instinct to the titles. Please vote by emailing me or posting a comment below on the blog. Oh and they're listed in no particular order:

1. Last Clown of Concord
2. Gerry's Concord Love
3. First Love Concord
4. Select Start!
5. Love Memorial
6. The Clown and the Brain
7. Gerry Grew up Concord
8. Un-Concord Love
9. 16-Bit Love Story
10. Gerry Wants to Continue

Well that's it for this week folks. Hope everyone has a fun and safe Halloween!




  1. Picture this voters...we see a closeup of the "Select" and "Start" buttons on an old school Nintendo controller. A thumb presses "Start" and up comes a video game type animated title sequence. Pretty cool riiiiiiight?

    I guess you could probably assume which one I'm a fan of ;)

  2. I actually like "Select Start!" as well, though I can't really say why. It has a nice ring to it and it's not, as, uh, obvious, I guess?

    Plus I like Jon's idea, lol

  3. First choice is Un-Concord Love, with The Clown and the Brain coming in a close runner-up!

  4. 5 and then 9. Still like Love, Concord the best though.

  5. I agree that Love, Concord is still my fave too. also like Select Start and First Love Concord.

    Also, do you still need a place for the fundraiser? I'm sure my dad would be fine with you using the house, if that would work...email me if you're interested and we can talk more about it.


  6. Thank you guys for your comments! Good to know, good to know.
