Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Feature has Begun....Sort of.

Hello readers!

Let me start off by saying I saw More Than A Game this Saturday and was very impressed. I highly recommend you go see it for yourself. It's a fantastic story about never giving up and the camaraderie of being in a team. And it happens to be directed by a fellow Loyola Marymount alumni who often hung out on campus at TV Engineering where I worked. So please go see this great documentary which is now in theaters as you'll be supporting yet another young up and coming director.

Let's Try Something New

I decided to do a video in effort to save time writing out the blog this week. In the end I didn't save much time. Either way take a look:

Here's a Clip of the First Footage From the Feature

It's nothing fancy, and on a small screen it isn't very impressive, plus I haven't color corrected it yet, but I'm happy to share it nonetheless.

Don't for get if you want to buy tickets or get an evite for the fundraiser email me at Have a great week everyone.




  1. Dig the shot of BART...the other establishing shots aren't very exciting, I always envisioned getting more shots of the city, like unto the opening sequence of "Dog Day Afternoon":

  2. We need to reshoot the opening shot of "Squad"
