Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Party Time!

Hello readers!

Hope everyone in the Bay Area is enjoying the rain, I am.


"Marta's Last Exit" is almost done folks. I'm still finishing sound and again, it's not my expertise so it's taking longer than I hoped. Nonetheless, it'll be done in time to submit it to a local film festival.

My DP and I have been researching a possible new camera for the feature film. It's the Canon 7D Digital SLR. Ever since Nikon released a D-SLR that shoots HD video more companies have followed suite. So if the specs are for real The Canon 7D may become our production camera. We plan to test the crap out of it side by side with our current camera of choice the Sony EX-1 once the 7D is released. Stay tuned for updates on this topic.

Also, still working on the 5th draft. Due to my need to finish my short film, unfortunately, my script has taken a backseat. But I am hacking away at it, slowly but surely.

The Next Fundraiser = Party!

So allow me to announce the date of the next fundraiser, drumroll please......

Saturday November 14th, 2009!

That's a month and one day away folks so mark your calendars cause this ones going to be bigger and better! Not all the details are set, but here's what we know so far.

It'll be hosted by my our friends Jorge and Debra at their beautiful home in Brentwood (no not the LA Brentwood, which isn't an actual city like some people think). The event will be in the evening and we'll be premiering "Marta's Last Exit" for the first time to the public. I also plan to reveal the official title for the feature after the screening so that should be exciting. But then after that it's party time as we'll have a music, dancing, drinks, and appetizers!

The event will have a ticket price of $10 for advance purchases and $15 at the door. Your ticket will automatically enter you into the raffle we'll be having. So far the prizes we have lined up for the raffle are gift cards to local Bay Area restaurants, for instance, Bay Grille on the Berkeley Marina and Bijan in Walnut Creek.

We'll also have a silent auction at the event. Up for grabs so far is a china set from William Sonoma and a baking kit from there as well. More items will be added as we get closer to the event.

You can talk to the people who came to the last event if you want proof of the great time we had, so we're positive you'll enjoy yourself at this one. Plus, you'll be supporting a local artist, yours truly, on his quest to make a feature film. Evites will be going out soon but feel free to email me at gguardado@gmail.com if you didn't receive an evite to the last event. I hope to see a lot of you there!

Well that's all for this week. Stay dry Bay Area!




  1. So, the word from my friend Simon at the Digital Film Society is to hold off on purchasing the 7D for a few more months. He has a contact in Canon's development who says an improved version of it is soon to come. It's supposed to have less noise, possibly a larger chip and even less of a rolling shutter issue. Don't know what the pricing will be of the next version, but hopefully it's comparable to the current 7D.

  2. That sounds pretty damn cool! Looking forward to testing it.
