Thursday, May 27, 2010

Audio Delights

Hello readers!

This Sunday marks 2 weeks until Day 1 of the production! Wow! Let's jump in.


Let there be Sound!

I'm excited to announce I've officially hired our production sound recordist for the feature. Dan Jaspar was recommended to my by Jon Bowerbank (my DP) and I'm grateful for this connection. Dan and I met this morning and I already have a strong feeling we'll all work great together him on board. What's also interesting about Dan is that he's a Contra Coasta native as he grew up in Walnut Creek. So once again through the help of a Bay Area local this production has become an awesome example of community art making. Welcome aboard Dan!

Mariachi Hired

So without giving away too much about the story, there is a scene where a mariachi band is required. I've been stressing this aspect as Mariachi's are not cheap to hire and are usually really busy and difficult to schedule. However, Virginia (producer) managed to track down a one man mariachi by the name of Jose Tequila. We met him this week and heard his amazing music. He's agreed to write an original song for the movie and to be in the scene I require a mariachi for (along with two actors). Jose Tequila is yet again another Concord local who sees the promise and opportunity in our film and I'm really excited work with him. We get to hear the original song at the end of the week, if it's half as good as his improvised performance I'll be ecstatic. If you want to see him, he performs at Los Gallos in Concord, in the Todos Santos plaza (their super tacos are amazing there FYI).

Plea to Spread the Word About Indiegogo Donations

Again as we're only about 2 weeks away from the beginning of production I'd really like to ask all you readers to please either make a small donation to the indiegogo website or spread the word about the site. I apologize in advance if this seems forward and naggy (especially to those of you who have already donated) but we really could use extra funds to truly insure we'll make it to the finish line. Lots of things are in place already for the production, but what I'm really worried about is the costs of feeding my crew, paying for travel expenses, and the unforeseen emergency costs that always creep up in any production. We only have enough in the budget as of now to make the film as long as all goes well. If something costly comes up it could very well derail all my and my cast and crew's hard work. So please, please donate $5 or $25 (so you can get a free massage for $25) so we can build in some insurance that the production will go on without a hitch. Thanks in advance! Here's the link again:

Well that does it for this week. Lots and lots to do. Next week may be a short article as I'm literally working day and night to finish planning. Until then....



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