Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wheels Keep Rolling

Hello Readers!

Sorry for the delay in posting. I'm in the middle of moving to a new apartment and I'm living out of boxes.


Potential New Producer!

I got some great news to share! My producer Virginia has passed along the latest draft of Love, Concord to a very important person: Debbie Brubaker. For those of you unfamiliar with her work, she has produced many feature films such as: La Mission, Dopamine, Bartleby, and many more. Not to mention some of her films were accepted at the Sundance Film Festival which is not easy to do (look her up on she's done a lot of work).

So with Virginia passing along my script to her, Debbie will be reading it and compiling a profession budget for the project. This is a huge step in getting the project some serious weight behind it as we'll be getting expert advice on what to prepare for from someone as seasoned and accomplished at producing feature films as anyone could ask for. Hopefully, she'll have the same interest and reaction to the script as Virginia and Jon and will perhaps come on board to also help produce the project. Either way, just having her perspective on what we should prepare for will be a huge advantage for me as a first time feature film director. So again, I'm very excited about this development! :)

Off to LA.....again.

As mentioned earlier I'm off to LA to audition my first candidate for the lead role of Gerry. Angelina my actress for the lead role of Melinda, will be meeting me in LA to help with the audition. We also plan to discuss some of the logistical aspects about her role such as wardrobe, make up, etc.

So since I'll be down there during my usual posting day of Tuesday, next weeks blog may come a little later than usual. But I'll let everyone know via Face Book when it's up.

First Accepted Film

I'd like to announce the first film to be accepted to Jon and I's SF Opificer's of Film Festival. The short is entitled : "Time Capsule" and is directed by Jimmy Freeman. For those of you who don't remember Jimmy is a former student of mine who is also collaborating with me on my feature. But he is a talented artist in his own right. He also endeavors to direct films and is currently writing not only one, but many short screenplays. So come see yet another young budding Bay Area talent showcase his latest and greatest.

The festival is Saturday January 9th at the 9th Street Independent Film Center in San Francisco. The address is 145 9th Street. Doors open at 7:15 and the screening begins promptly at 7:30. Tickets to the event are $12 and all proceeds go to the production budget for my feature film Love, Concord. Hope to see you all there.

Well that does it for this week folks. Have a great week and until next time....



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