Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Is it really Snowing?

Hello Readers!

Wow! Snow in Concord and parts of Contra Costa County, haven't seen that in a while. Lets hope it continues.

Weekly Meetings Resume:

Last week my producer, Virginia, and I resumed our practice of meeting weekly to discuss the feature film project. Jon, my DP, joined us last week as well. The three of us discussed logistics of the shoot. In particular we began to focus on locations and how many actual place we'll need to shoot the movie. The trick is to try to squeeze as much use out of one place as possible. For instance, if we shoot interiors at a house we're trying to select a house that can be the setting for more than one scene. In fact, a house may be used in the film that ends up being three "different" places in the story. That's useful! Because all movies suffer from a lack of time in their budget, so the less moving around the better!

Massive Light Please!

Jon and I also began talking shop about what lighting equipment we'll need to do the various scenes we're shooting. As the script is set in everything from day, night, interior, exterior, etc. lighting is, as always, be a challenge. However, since Jon has a respectable lighting package in his arsenal we should manage fine without having to pick up too much costly lights. One item we are planning to buy is a used 2K Tungston balanced Fresnel light. For those of you unfamiliar with movie lights, this sucker is pretty big and puts out quite a lot of light. Jon plans to use it to help light some of the night time exteriors. We'll let you know if we get it.

Draft 5.1

I recently went through and corrected the many typos of the 5th draft and even managed to chop almost a full page off. But as I received some excellent feedback from Jon, I'm probably going to end up adding that page back for a key scene at the end of the 2nd act. So I expect draft 5.2 very soon.

SF Opificer's of Film Festival

It's official people! The mini film festival will be Saturday January 9th, 2010. We're still accepting submissions for the festival in any genre and at any experience level, so if you know someone with a short movie encourage them to enter it. The deadline for submission is December 31st 2009. The submission fee is $10 and if your movie is accepted there's a $20 screening fee. All this goes toward the cost of renting the theater and the proceeds, again, go toward the Love, Concord production budget. Tickets for the event are $12 and it should be a fun night! Contact me at gguardado@gmail.com for more info or find me on FaceBook.

Well that's all for this week. I know I haven't written an article in a while but at this stage I'm finding I have less and less time to do it. Don't worry the time is being well spent planning and prepping for the production. So it might just be updates for a while, but I'll return to full articles soon.

Stay warm everyone!



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