Thursday, May 27, 2010

Audio Delights

Hello readers!

This Sunday marks 2 weeks until Day 1 of the production! Wow! Let's jump in.


Let there be Sound!

I'm excited to announce I've officially hired our production sound recordist for the feature. Dan Jaspar was recommended to my by Jon Bowerbank (my DP) and I'm grateful for this connection. Dan and I met this morning and I already have a strong feeling we'll all work great together him on board. What's also interesting about Dan is that he's a Contra Coasta native as he grew up in Walnut Creek. So once again through the help of a Bay Area local this production has become an awesome example of community art making. Welcome aboard Dan!

Mariachi Hired

So without giving away too much about the story, there is a scene where a mariachi band is required. I've been stressing this aspect as Mariachi's are not cheap to hire and are usually really busy and difficult to schedule. However, Virginia (producer) managed to track down a one man mariachi by the name of Jose Tequila. We met him this week and heard his amazing music. He's agreed to write an original song for the movie and to be in the scene I require a mariachi for (along with two actors). Jose Tequila is yet again another Concord local who sees the promise and opportunity in our film and I'm really excited work with him. We get to hear the original song at the end of the week, if it's half as good as his improvised performance I'll be ecstatic. If you want to see him, he performs at Los Gallos in Concord, in the Todos Santos plaza (their super tacos are amazing there FYI).

Plea to Spread the Word About Indiegogo Donations

Again as we're only about 2 weeks away from the beginning of production I'd really like to ask all you readers to please either make a small donation to the indiegogo website or spread the word about the site. I apologize in advance if this seems forward and naggy (especially to those of you who have already donated) but we really could use extra funds to truly insure we'll make it to the finish line. Lots of things are in place already for the production, but what I'm really worried about is the costs of feeding my crew, paying for travel expenses, and the unforeseen emergency costs that always creep up in any production. We only have enough in the budget as of now to make the film as long as all goes well. If something costly comes up it could very well derail all my and my cast and crew's hard work. So please, please donate $5 or $25 (so you can get a free massage for $25) so we can build in some insurance that the production will go on without a hitch. Thanks in advance! Here's the link again:

Well that does it for this week. Lots and lots to do. Next week may be a short article as I'm literally working day and night to finish planning. Until then....



Thursday, May 20, 2010

Another Concord Establishment Onboard!

Hello readers!

Can I just quickly say that if its another Boston vs LA NBA final I'm going to barry my head in the sand until its over. Anyways, lets begin.


Location for First Day Locked

I'm excited to announce the location for the first day of principal photography will be at Concord's own Digger's Diner. I've been eating at Digger's since I was in high school so it's only fitting that some of the scenes for the feature be shot there. My producer, Kristin approached the establishment and spoke with the owner a few months ago and she seemed interested. So after the three of us met we agreed it'd be a great opportunity for both of us as I'd have an awesome location to shoot key scenes of my movie, and Digger's will get product placement in my film as well as two internet video commercials made, by yours truly, as a means of exchange. So readers join me in thanking Digger's by buying a delicious burger, or my personal favorite, a basket of their cheese fries at either their Concord or Brentwood locations. Thanks Diggers and welcome to the Love, Concord family!

Wardrobe Tests

On Sunday I met with five of my local actors to test wardrobe possibilities for their respective characters. As this is an ultra low budget feature film, I'm lucky in that my actors are more than willing to use their own clothes to shoot scenes in. And I have to say they all had great options for me and my wardrobe manager to choose from. In fact we were able to lock down half of one characters "costumes" by the end of the meeting. The rest of the actors all had at least a few items that we were able to lock down, but more work will need to be done. Once the rest of the cast from LA comes up a few days before shooting begins I'll be able to finalize the rest of the cast's costumes. Looking forward to it.

Set Piece Request

I'd like to ask my many readers if any of them happen to have a girls "day bed" frame. We need to use one for one very short scene and I'd prefer to no have to buy one for such little use. If you have one we could borrow for a day or two, or know someone who either wants to loan, give, or sell cheaply their "day bed" frame, please tell them to email me at: For those of you who don't know what a day bed is check out the picture below. It doesn't have to be this nice, I just chose this photo to clarify what I need.

Well I got lots of fish to fry in order to make this movie happen in about 3 weeks! Until next time


Thursday, May 13, 2010

T-Minus 1 Month and Counting

Hello readers,

Exactly one month until the first day of production. Lots to update so lets jump in!


Last two supporting roles cast

It's with great pleasure that I announce Vince Rodriguez as our last lead role
cast member. Vince will be playing the part of "Alex" the antagonist of the story. Vince is yet another St. Mary's alumni which makes all three of my lead actors former Gaels. I first saw Vince's acting abilities in the St. Mary's production of The Marfa Lights. I knew right away that Vince had incredible acting ability. He then starred in one of the short films my students produced and again I could see he had amazing talent. I had a feeling when I first auditioned Vince that I'd met my Alex, he really grasped the uniqueness of the character very naturally. After bringing him in for a callback audition with Angelina, my lead actress, I was sold that Vince was perfect for the part. I'm really excited to work with Vince and am relieved to have my three leads finally cast. Welcome aboard Vince.

I'm also very excited to introduce out last major supporting actor, Kevin Copps. Kevin will be portraying "Mike" the father of the character Melinda. The back story of how I came to meet Kevin starts with my cinematographer Jon Bowerbank. Jon asked me to help out as a data wrangler on a feature film he was shooting last spring of 2009. Kevin had a small part in the film as a campaign manager. I was able to watch his performance for several scenes and immediately felt he could be perfect for the role of "Mike" in my feature. I approached him for his contact info and mentioned I'd call him in for an audition and about half a year later I finally did. His first audition was great. He far out shined the few other "Mikes" I auditioned. So after a long waiting process for Kevin I brought him in for a callback with Angelina again. Their chemistry as father and daughter really worked for me. So finally after another long waiting process I finally offered him the part and he accepted. I truly look forward to working with and seeing him perform with our leads. Welcome aboard Kevin!

Night of 1000+ Laughs

Last Friday was Love, Concord's 5th fundraiser at the Ninth St. Independent Film Center. My producer Kristin Youell planned and coordinated the event. She brought together seven talented Bay Area comics who had us all laughing in our seats. We had a full capacity crowd of 80 people and managed to raise over $300 for the production budget. Due to the big success of the event we plan to do another one most likely after we wrap principal photography for the feature. So stay tuned. Also on a quick note I once again want to thank all seven comics for their contribution to the event and for their amazing performances. I also want to thank professional photographer Irwan Tran for taking t
he pictures of the event you see here. Check out his gallery at:

Two Major Locations Locked

On Tuesday I had a meeting with management at the Concord Crowne Plaza to discuss shooting in their ball room. I'm excited to announce that Crowne Plaza has approved Love, Concord to shoot in their beautiful ballroom on June 27th. The scene we'll be shooting is the climatic prom scene (all high school movies have a prom scene, so why break the formula). I want to thank Concord Crowne Plaza catering manager Carol Saas and bartender Matt "Ben" Batiza for their huge help in assisting me with this arrangement.

For those of you who want to be extras mark your calendar now. Times aren't official but we'll most likely begin shooting by mid morning and go until mid to late afternoon. Again that's Sunday June 27th, 2010. Here's the catch, guys you have to wear a black or navy blue suit (as to pass as a tuxedo from a distance) and ladies you need to wear a formal dress and do your hair in such a way as to make sure it doesn't look plain or "non-prom-like." Anyone is welcome that can meet these criteria, a limited amount of prom dresses will be made available to girls who want to participate but don't have a dress but the sizes are also limited.

The second important location we landed on Tuesday is the gas station in which the lead character "Gerry" works. We got this awesome opportunity thanks to my producer Virginia. She approached the owner a few months ago and he seemed interested, so on Tuesday we payed him a visit and he pretty much said yes before we were finished explaining what we wanted.

Well folks that pretty much wraps this week. I've got a lot of things to do in preparation for the big day in 30 days so stay tuned for more exciting news next week.

Until next time....



Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Lenses Baby!

Hello readers!

Not too big of a hockey fan but can't help rooting for San Jose. So GO SHARKS!


Fundraiser #5
For my regular readers I apologize for yet again plugging my next fundraiser, but I just want everyone to be aware that it's this Friday at 8pm at the 9th Street Independent Film Center. Which is at 145 9th Street in San Francisco. Tickets are $12 at the door or $10 if you buy in advance. We have six local comedians who will be providing the the nights entertainment and we're excited about the event. So please spread the word and we'll see you there!

Lenses Tested

Jon, my DP, and I went and tested lenses for the Canon 7D today and we've selected three we plan to rent for the three week principal photography shoot. All three are Canon lenses and here they are:

1. 50mm prime lens
2 24mm - 70mm zoom lens
3. 70mm - 200mm zoom lens

We tested all three for clarity, back focus, and breathing and all passed with flying colors. I'm really excited about having our "glass" selected because what truly makes the 7D worth shooting on is this ability to swap out lenses for various reasons such as mood, low light situations, and just plain better quality. These lenses are going to make a big difference in professional quality of the image versus the stock lens the 7D comes with and the stock lens the Sony EX-1 comes with (the EX-1 was our original camera of choice).

Wardrobe Planning Underway

My wardrobe manager and I met on Sunday to talk about all the various "costumes" needed for the feature. Ash has been a great asset in that he has creative ideas as to what each character should be wearing. Yet he also is able to listen to my preconceptions of wardrobe as well. My wife Sandra, has also been a great help in finding and suggesting various items for wardrobe as well. Lastly, Angelina, our lead actress has gone above and beyond expectations in helping to find important pieces to her characters wardrobe. Thanks to all three of you!

1st Official Production Meeting

Love, Concord's first official production meeting will be tomorrow. The producers and myself will be meeting to discuss the scheduling of the production shoot. As well as problem solving any remanding tasks that need completing. This will be first of many to come.

Well that's all for now folks, got a lot prepping to do for tomorrow and the fundraiser. Be sure to check in next week for highlights of the event.

Until next time....

