Friday, August 7, 2009

"That man is a Brownie Hound."

Hello Readers. So as you probably already know, yesterday John Hughes died of a heart attack at age 59. To many people Hughes was an admired artist who so fully captured the 1980's high school experience. His cheeky humor and honest emotion truly touched many a generation.  This is the man whose movies entertained me summer after summer as I constantly watched, re-watched, and shared them with friends and family. His movies have quietly inspired an army of filmmakers myself included. 
Therefore, it's only fitting I pay a little humble homage to a filmmaker and person I never met, but yet feel an artistic connection to. After all, the very movie I'm attempting to make is partially inspired by Hughes's and is indeed set during my time as a high school teenager.
  So while many of us may be sadden that he will no longer entertain us with his artistry, we can breathe a little easier knowing that moviemakers like myself will carry on his filmic legacy with simple homages or outright borrowing from his canon of work.
On that note I leave you with one of my favorite lines from his movies.....

"Do you realize that it's snowing in my room God damit!"
-Chet from Weird Science

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