Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Its All About Location

Hello readers!

So to begin with, I'm one week into giving up soda and so far so good! Aside from being a little more sleepy from the lack of caffeine I can't complain. Thanks for all the moral support on this by the way.
This week I want to write about somethings I need to start doing in preparation for the shoot. Now that the script is getting more and more close to the final shooting draft I need to start thinking of casting and locations. The two most important things in terms of putting something in front of a camera. 
For now lets focus on locations. So here's how you can help, I'm going to list a few locations and descriptions thereof and I could really use some feedback as to possible shoot sites for them. Preferably in or near the Concord area. While these locations don't "have" to be in Concord I'd like to keep it as authentic as possible. Also, logistically speaking, since most of my crew will come from the east Bay Area and or San Francisco keeping it to with in 45-60 miles of these areas will make things much more easy. Here we go:

#1. Gerry's Home (The main character). This home is a small lower middle class house. Preferably with a lack of upkeep in the front lawn. Also for this location I'm looking for an older looking home. 

#2 Gerry's Bedroom. This room needs to be large for a few reasons. First, because we need to fit a camera, lights, and minimal crew in it and second because the character shares the room with his brother "Miguel." The room can be in a "new" home as the beauty of movie-magic is the viewer doesn't have to know a bedroom scene was shot at an entirely different location than its exterior. So readers, if you know someone who has a large unoccupied room with at least one window (again nothing fancy though) and wouldn't mind a visit from a movie crew let me know.

#3 Mindy's Apartment Complex. This complex needs to be a middle - upper middle class apartment. Again preferably in Concord.

#4 Peppermill Restaurant. I know it's no longer the Peppermill in Concord, however, I'd like to shoot in a restaurant that has the same look and feel. For those of you who've never been, it's basically a swanky Vegas casino buffet like atmosphere complete with mirrored ceilings. Again, the former Peppermill is now an Asian cuisine restaurant, so if anyone knows the owners or knows someone who has a restaurant in the area please let me know.

#5 Gas Station. So for this one I need a gas station that not only has pumps but needs to have an attached garage. I have locations in mind, but again if someone knows a gas station owner that could be the difference which makes this all easier and do-able.

#6 Tuxedo Shop. I'd prefer a mom and pop kind of feel to this location, but hell any place that rents tuxedos would be fine by me.

That's it for now. The rest of the locations I either have a plan for already or am working on. And that's going to do it for this week. Next week I plan to discuss casting and the parts I'll need help filling up. So if you've ever though of acting, next weeks posting is for you! Keep the questions and comments coming and I look forward to reading your location suggestions.


-Gustavo Guardado


  1. Hey, the front of my brother's house would be perfect...but i'm not sure what it will look like next summer. Also, my parent's have a couple of unoccupied bedrooms. I'll talk to them and see what's up. That's all i've got off the top of my head. I'll keep thinking!!

    By the way...good job on the soda thing. That's a tough one. However, you may end up losing that 10lbs. just by giving up the soda. Keep it up.

    Angela G.

  2. Angela,

    That's awesome about your family's potential locations. Especially since I may be shooting a few scenes near your parents home anyways (that is if its still the place I use to visit you way back when).

    Yeah soda is my drug, its been easy so far but the longer I go without it the more likely I'll be tempted to crack. We'll see. Thanks for the motivation!


  3. Gus Gus-

    Wow, took me forever to get around to reading the newer blogs you've posted, but better late than never, right?

    So, my purpose in commenting today is to inform you of an option for Gerry's bedroom. I don't know if our definitions of "large" are the same, but here goes... Megan and I used to share this room while we were in college; it's spacious, has windows, and I'm the only one who lives there (when I'm home). It is upstairs and I do currently have my own furniture inside, so I'm unsure if that makes things a little difficult or not. It's not "new", which maybe helps. But regardless, just wanted to let you know about it. If you're interested in at least taking a look, just let me know.

    Hopefully there will be some other ways I can help in the future if not this way



  4. Mortisha,

    you're awesome first of all for going back and reading my older blog articles. So hats off to you for that.

    Second, your room sounds useable. I'd have to see it before hand but I really appreciate the offer! Thank you.

    Oh and my DP really wants you to be a boom operator. Think he got a kick out of your comment on FB. Hahaha.
