Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Jump Starting 2011

Hello readers!

Burrrr! It's cold here in the Bay Area! Kinda like this blog, so let's give it some love and start the new year off right.


Love, Concord 1st Cut Almost done!

So as I wrote last time we have a finished rough cut which as been a HUGE help for me editing the 1st official cut of the movie. Instead of having to build it all up from scratch I can simply pull up a scene and it's footage and start tweaking shot selections, takes, length etc. I'm really methodical when I decide to touch up a scene, sometimes spending a whole day on just one, but luckily Jimmy's work is so good most scenes only need minor adjustments.

I spent about 4 days of my winter break from teaching to edit, and I'm really close to finishing the first cut. I estimate I should be done with the first cut by the end of the weekend so stay tuned for a cheerful post on our Facebook fan page if and when we hit this milestone.

Animation Domination

Part of the reason I'm really excited about the 1st cut is that my animator extraordinaire, Megan Johnson, has been hard at work cranking out the various animation scenes. She just recently finished them all for approval and they're simply awesome. The animation simply needs sound effects and possible some minor adjustments once the cuts of the movie progress, but for the most part they're all done thanks to my one woman army of Megan!

Other Creative Accomplishments

On a side note, I just wrapped up the final cut of commercial I shot and directed for the owner of Oodles of Noodles and More, in Brentwood, Ca. It's a 3o second spot that'll air on local Comcast channels, but I've posted it below so you can watch for yourselves. It stars two actors from Love, Concord and one of my current students from Heritage High School. Oh, and for the crew, see if you can figure out who the narrator is.

This commercial was done as a return favor to the owner who allowed us to use his other establishment, Digger's Diner in Concord, to shoot a whole day's worth of scenes for Love, Concord. I again want to thank them for their major contribution to my feature and hope that you readers will give their restaurants your patronage. Both places are quite delicious!

Well that does it for now I leave with another link to my good friend, fellow filmmaker, and supporting cast member of Love, Concord Miguel Caballero's website. He is producing his first feature film and needs donations to help make his film a reality. So please spread the word, make a small donation, or a large one, and help On the Run get to the editing room!

Until next time.




  1. I really enjoyed reading this post, I was just wondering do you trade featured blog posts. Thanks for sharing your Blog with others.

  2. Jim, thanks. I don't know what you mean by trading featured blog posts. Can you explain a little so I can better answer your question? Again thanks for reading the blog.

