Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A New Recruit

Hello readers!

Had a lovely long weekend with friends and family. Hope you all did too.


Love, Concord welcomes its Art Director

I'm happy to announce Paul Renaud has joined the growing production team as our Art Director. This position is responsible for all the props and set decoration for a movie. If done right it's almost an invisible job, as the viewer will hopefully not notice that a set is missing the proper decoration or "feel." He'll be working closely with me, until or unless, I find a production designer for the movie. The production designer is in charge of every visual aspect of a movie including costumes.
As always I like to give a background to the people who are
joining the production, and Paul's in yet another personal connection from my past. Paul's vast video production background eventually led him to teach videography at Concord High. This is where I met him as my first video teacher and one whom I've used the skills he passed onto me to this very day. Paul continues to teach video at College Park High School in Pleasant Hill. Also, he currently writes, directs, and executive produces a local youth cooking show called: Twyla's Kitchen. Which I happen to be a camera operator on. He's currently working on a new version of the show and you can find out more about his previous productions and works in progress at: www.eduvisiononline.org.
I'm honored to be working with yet another one of my mentors and am excited to see the talent I'm sure Paul will bring to the production. His first task will be to assemble an art department crew to help him find and produce props and or set dressings. He tells me he plans to recruit some of his current students and perhaps some of his former ones, yet again making this a very locally driven community project.

Casting Call Has Begun

As mentioned last week I've posted a listing on Craigslist calling for actors to submit headshots and resumes to me for the opportunity to audition for the various speaking parts in the feature. If you know any actors or anyone who's interested in being in the film please direct them to this link: http://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/tlg/1551495324.html


More EX-1 vs 7D Testing to Come

Jon, my DP, and I will be shooting more tests with the Sony EX-1 and the Canon 7D side by side in the very near future. I'm really interested to shoot a night scene with both as the 7D is said to do low light extremely better than the EX-1. Stay posted as we'll share our results here on the blog.

Brubaker Hired to do Budget

Debbie Brubaker has officially received the 6th draft of the script and is preparing to write the budget for the production. This will be a great tool to plan the logistics of the shoot as well as help prove our worthiness to grant foundations. She gave me an estimated completion time of the end of the month so I'm looking forward to reading her budget and meeting her in person to further discuss Love, Concord.

Well that's all for now folks. Stay tuned for more exciting developments for the feature next week. Until then....



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