You all must be saying to yourselves, "Where's the darn movie already?" Trust me I feel the same way so let's jump into our updates.
Sundance 2012
As I've mentioned here and elsewhere my hope was to submit to the Sundance film festival in hopes Love, Concord would be accepted for 2011. Unfortunately, the closer we got to the September 25th deadline, the more I realized how unprepared the movie was to submit to any festival let alone the Country's premiere festival.

While I was ready to throw in the towel for Sundance 2011, my Co-producer and Co-editor was satisfied with that so he took it upon himself to edit my portion of the scenes and managed to put together a great rough cut before Sept. 25th. We screened it together one night and were both impressed how well the movie came together even in it's rough form. It really sent chills down my spine to see all our hard work and my life's dream come together for the first time in a rough cut. I immediately called Virginia to share the news, and as the wise veteran filmmaker she is, she convinced me that I shouldn't let the adrenaline of seeing the rough cut cloud my judgement to postpone entry into Sundance.
So I've officially decided to apply the movie for entry into the 2012 Sundance Film Festival. I feel that gives me a full year to polish the film to its absolute best shape and therefore, hopefully give the film the best possible chance to impress it's entry screeners. By waiting it allows me time to work on not only the editing but the sound and graphics as well. If I had submitted the film it was in rough form it would have been without at soundtrack, without sound design, and with a few missing shots still needed to be shot or animated. All of which don't help to impress festival screeners.
Next Steps
So what I plan to do is hopefully take a look at it again over the Thanksgiving holiday. I plan to screen it with my producer Virginia, take some notes and then hopefully begin another round of intense editing during the December break I have from teaching. Once the first official cut is done I'll screen it to to a select few to get more feedback and then begin working on the 2nd cut. I'd like to then have 3rd cut of the movie by the time Spring break comes around
in March.
That's the game plan for now. I'll try to keep you guys posted more often, but again with teaching at the high school level for my first time, I'm finding it difficult to plan my class and devote time to the movie. But I'm confident I'll be able to make the new deadlines and thus submit to Sundance 2012.
Well that's all for now folks. I leave with you some more photos from the production. Have a great Turkey Day!
